Category: Prefabs & Skyboxes

Sunbleached Skybox and Furniture for July Collabor88

The July heatwave is here and our Collabor88 contribution this month is a sleek lightweight desert skybox with matching furniture, perfectly suited for soaring temperatures! Simple, modern, and only 55 prims, our Sunbleached Skybox includes a built-in bench that seats three with 4 animated poses…

NYC66 Skybox for June Collabor88!

Calling all “Mad Men” fans – we’ve lovingly recreated the amazing Manhattan home of Don and Megan Draper in a stupendous baked mesh skybox, exclusively for this month’s Collabor88 session! This semi-furnished skybox comes with custom baked and animated couch, chair, stools, barstools and dining…

The Godswood Garden Skybox – new for FaMESHed June 2012!

Steal away to your personal forest refuge – a mirror-still pond at the edge of an ancient and mystical godswood tree, surrounded by a private woodland skydome – our new Godswood Garden Skybox! This 27m diameter forest clearing features a mirror-effect pond in the center…

Daydream Flying Dome for Collabor88 May!

We are very excited to offer the latest in our line of unique, artistic skyboxes – the Daydream Flying Dome, at a very special Collabor88 price! This 24m x 24m mesh pavillion includes trailing ivy and foliage plus seating for 8 (four benches that seat…

Zuma Hills mesh prefab – new for Culture Shock!

Trompe Loeil is proud to release our latest all-baked, all-mesh prefab home designed to celebrate Culture Shock 2012 – the Zuma Hills! The Zuma Hills is a carefully-baked mesh prefab designed to look fantastic regardless of environment or hardware settings. Day, night, with or without…

Handdrawn Sky Island for Spruce Up Your Space weekend!

We took to the skies this month for Spruce Up Your Space, and we hope you’ll love the results! The Sky Island is full mesh with 100% handdrawn textures, finished with a subtle bake to capture the reflected colors of the included animated skysphere. Created…

The Ka’u Beach Skybox – brand new all-baked mesh for the Festival of Sin!

>>Update 2/22/12<< Included with your purchase is a no-furniture, no-baked-furniture-shadows version for people that like to decorate from scratch! Two Ka’u Beach Skybox versions plus two extra textures to further modify the bathroom – all for only $L999 until March 3! The Festival of Sin starts…

The Arctic Cave Skydome for SUYS!

Trompe Loeil is back for this month’s Spruce Up Your Space with The Arctic Cave Skybox! This icy retreat features all-mesh construction, glowing fish trapped in ice for lighting (including 3 colors of fish and 2 ice models for making your own light arrangements), a…

Downtown Cathedral Catwalk skybox at Collabor88 Dec 2011

I’m thrilled to be Barnesworth Anubis’ prom date this month for the fantastic Collabor88 sale! This month’s theme is Winter’s Edge, a haute punk theme, and Trompe Loeil has put together our Downtown Cathedral Catwalk skybox for all your after-party fashion needs! This skybox has…