Product & General Information FAQ

If you have a question that isn’t answered in this FAQ, please leave an IM or notecard and we will respond as soon as we are able.

I used to get an immediate refund when I purchased a Trompe Loeil product. What happened to it?

Do you sell items on any other virtual world platforms?

What permissions are Trompe Loeil products? Can they be gifted? Do you support customer modification of Trompe Loeil products?

I bought a Trompe Loeil gacha prize from another person or a different store and it wasn’t delivered/is broken. Can you help me?

Can I purchase a texture you’ve used on your products? Where do you purchase your textures from?

Can I trade in my transfer item for a mod/copy version?

My camera is “bouncing” when inside a building. How do I fix this?

Do you offer custom modifications or custom building services?

What is your return policy?

I lost/accidentally deleted my copy-enabled purchase. Can I get a new one?

I’d like to blog Trompe Loeil products. How do I apply?

Sponsorship and charity event information

Why are your homes sized so large/small?

Archived Advent Calendar Instructions



I used to get an immediate refund when I purchased a Trompe Loeil product. What happened to it?
A) The inworld Loyalty Program changed terms on March 1, 2024. You can read more information here:

Do you sell items on any other virtual world platforms?
A) No. If you see a Trompe Loeil product on any other grid, virtual world, or metaverse platform, its been stolen and is being resold or distributed without our knowledge or permission. Unfortunately we have very little control over this, and other platforms besides the official Second Life™ grid tend to turn a blind eye to this in order to quickly populate their grids with content. This is one reason why we will not sell on any other platforms besides the official Second Life™ grid. If you see our products on another platform, we appreciate you letting us know, but unfortunately without an extensive list of information which would require us creating an account on the platform and spending several hours researching and compiling reports, we have little power in getting it removed.

Q) What permissions are Trompe Loeil products? Can they be gifted? Do you support customer modification of Trompe Loeil products?

A) Almost all Trompe Loeil products, including prefabs and skyboxes, are mod/copy/no transfer. This is to give the customer the greatest amount of freedom to modify or adjust a Trompe Loeil product to fit their needs. If you wish to give a Trompe Loeil product as a gift, you can do so by clicking the “Gift” button on any Trompe Loeil vendor, or purchasing/gifting the product on the Marketplace. We also offer transferrable Gift Cards in our Mainstore which are perfect for gifting.

Support for mod/copy/no trans products includes promptly correcting any errors found in the “out of the box” condition of the product. Unfortunately, we cannot support correction of or implementation of personalized modifications on behalf of the owner.

Q) I bought a Trompe Loeil gacha prize from another person or a different store and it wasn’t delivered/is broken. Can you help me?

A) Gacha prizes are transfer-enabled, and oftentimes modify-enabled, which means that people can purchase them directly from Trompe Loeil and then resell them. Trompe Loeil cannot provide customer service, refunds, or redeliveries for third-party sales of our gacha items. We have no idea how they may have been modified, or if the person that sold it to you even had the item in their possession. Additionally, if you bought a gacha item from any other store or individual, Trompe Loeil did not receive payment for the item you purchased. Any problems or questions with third-party gacha prize purchases must be directed to the person you paid for the item, period. If you want a guarantee of product quality and customer service, you must purchase from Trompe Loeil’s mainstore (or our vendor at The Arcade) directly.

Q) Can I purchase a texture you’ve used on your products?

A) We do not offer textures for sale or resale for two main reasons:
1. Older products: Due to the various sources and restrictions on redistributing textures purchased separately for use in our products. Since we have an extremely large collection of asset materials going back over 10 years of design work, and since so many of our textures are modified versions of original assets, it is unfortunately impossible for us to provide original purchasing source information for textures. We purchase all art asset materials from 3rd party companies and not within the SL platform.
2. Newer products: We have transitioned to using a 3D painting program that uses node-based material creation, which means in many cases there is no default flat texture available to be distributed.

Q) Can I trade in my transfer item for a mod/copy version?

A) Gacha prizes are transfer-enabled and we price our Gacha plays accordingly to this expectation. Due to this fact, and the third-party sales market for transferable items that we cannot control, we do not offer mod/copy trade-ins for transfer-enabled Gacha items.

Q) My camera is “bouncing” when inside a building. How do I fix this?

A) Turning off camera restraints in your Preferences will solve the camera bouncing issue inside builds with low ceilings (this setting is also what keeps you from moving your camera underground or across large distances).

Avatar/Preferences/Firestorm/Allow The Camera to move without restraints checked

***Official Viewer***
Ctrl-Alt-D to bring up the Advanced Menu
Advanced/Disable Camera Constraints

Q) Do you offer custom modifications or custom building services?

A) We do not offer custom modifications to prefab homes or furniture, and due to our event schedule, we do not offer custom building services.

Q) What is your return policy?

A) Any Trompe Loeil product which is set to mod/copy/no trans – the vast majority of our product line, including all prefabs and skyboxes – is unfortunately non-refundable due to the Second Life permissions system preventing transferring these items back to their original creator. If there are serious unforeseen problems with the purchased product, please contact Cory Edo with details and we will work with you to find a solution that satisfies you!

Q) I lost/accidentally deleted my copy-enabled purchase. Can I get a new one?

A) Yes! You can have your purchase re-delivered by using the Redelivery Terminal at the Trompe Loeil main store (at the welcome desk), or drop a notecard to Cory Edo with your purchase information for a personal re-delivery.

Q) I’d like to blog Trompe Loeil products. How do I apply?

A)Thanks for your interest in blogging Trompe Loeil products. We review blogger applications about twice a year to cycle new bloggers onto the list if they’re needed.

To apply, please fill out this form: Trompe Loeil Blogger Application Form

Home & Garden bloggers only please! Clothing bloggers and bloggers that have never featured Trompe Loeil products will not be considered.

We reserve the right to disregard any notecard request that does not list this information, and submission of this information does not guarantee you a future slot in the review copy list.

Q) Sponsorship and charity event information

A) We do not accept requests to sponsor clubs, advertising solicitations, or store rental offers. These submissions will be disregarded.

We do not participate in any charity events as a rule, and prefer to donate to causes directly. Thanks for your understanding.

Q) Why are your homes so large/small?

A) There are several reasons why this question is common – we get asked about homes being too small and too large in equal amounts:

  • The range of avatar heights is much greater than a normal, real life building is designed to accommodate. Avatar heights can and do run into the equivalent of 7 or 8 feet tall, and the default camera position (behind and above the avatar head) adds on an additional foot or more of perceived height. We try to aim for a roughly 6 ft tall avatar proportion, but some homes may be taller or smaller depending on the design. Unfortunately there is no real “average” avatar height, and no single build will work for every height range that exists.
  • Avatars also require additional room to move. Where a regular room may be only several feet at its widest point, translating that into an inworld build would make the room essentially unusable. In the case of smaller cottage-style builds, keeping the interior to 1 or 2 large rooms helps to make the build more usable.
  • Our prefabs are sold modify and copy, which makes re-scaling the build larger or smaller to suit using the Edit tools an easy way to adjust a build to your personal preference. Please note, re-scaling mesh builds will change the Land Impact rating accordingly; this is the way the server software functions, and happens with any mesh item.


Archived Advent Calendar Instructions

Please note these are provided for archival purposes only; the Advent Calendar system was retired after 2020.

To use the Advent Calendar, you will need:
~ a copy of the current year Calendar (the skyscraper and decorative boxes scene, available for free from the board in front of the Gatcha machine) and,
~ at least 1 UNUSED current year Key.

Keys are purchased from the Gatcha machine for $L25 each. There are 12 keys in all.

Rez the 2016 Calendar (most likely at your home location for safe keeping – make sure scripts are set to run on your parcel!). Then, rez your 2016 Key next to the Calendar. (You must REZ the key – it cannot be attached to your avatar.) The corresponding numbered window on the Calendar will open, a portion of the build will light up (a window, tree lights, or star), and you will be given a surprise gift!

⊱⊱⊱⊱Make sure you don’t decline the gift! You only get it once per Calendar/Key combination!⊰⊰⊰⊰

Once a key has lit a gem on the Calendar, it is USED and the name and description on the Key change to reflect this status. The key can be traded, but cannot be used to light a window and will not give a gift.

You can still trade extra Keys! If you have extra Keys you want to trade, just make sure they remain unrezzed and in your Inventory. If you’ve already used Key #7 (for example) and you rez another Key #7 next to an Advent Calendar with Gem #7 already lit, your second Key #7 will NOT switch to “used” status – you can pick it back up and trade it, or use it on a new 2015 Advent Calendar if you want another copy of the gift inside that gem.

⊱⊱⊱⊱Do NOT trade or accept Keys that say “USED” in the name of the Key! These Keys will not work on new Advent Calendars! ⊰⊰⊰⊰
⊱⊱⊱⊱If the Key year does not match the Calendar Year they will not work! Check the description of the Key before you trade! ⊰⊰⊰⊰

You can leave the USED Keys rezzed for decoration if you wish.

If you rez a Key that corresponds to a door that is already open, the Key will NOT change to USED status and will NOT give a gift. You can pick up a new additional Calendar for free and use the Key on the second Calendar if you’d like to get a second copy of the corresponding gift.