Oona Woodstoves for Collabor88 November

Oona Woodstoves for Collabor88 November

Stay toasty with cutting edge style and tons of fun colors – the Oona Woodstove is ready to warm up your winter! The Oona Woodstove is a standalone model on a raised base, ready to place against any flat wall. We include traditional black plus 6 different colored brushed metal options – red, blue, green, yellow, purple, and pink! Plus, each color model has a texture change menu base with 3 different themes to match your style – we include Rustic (with cobblestones and reclaimed wood), Light (with marble tile and brushed concrete), and Dark (with basalt tile and stained wood). Animated fire effects and on/off functionality too! Land Impact is 19 in size sold. At a great C88 price only for November’s round!

🍁 Visit Collabor88 to purchase! 🍁