*home control instructions
Your Home Control Center, containing the central *home control script, is the main command post for your prefab home. From here, you can add or remove Admins, add or remove people from the Access list, set the home to private/restricted/public, set or remove autoclose on the doors, and control all doors/lights/windows from one easy intuitive menu.
*home control main menu
“Module Settings”: shows you the current privacy settings for different elements of your prefab home, like door access, window access, and light access. It also tells you if group access is on or off, how many Admins you have on your *home control list, and how many people you have on your Access list.
From the Main Menu, you can choose the following options (note that not all prefabs will have all options):
– Doors: takes you to the Doors menu.
– Windows: takes you to the Windows menu.
– Lights: takes you to the Lights menu.
– Edit Group: takes you to the Group menu.
– Edit Admins: takes you to the Admin menu.
– Edit Access: takes you to the Access menu.
– Exit: closes the menu system. The menu will automatically time out after 25 seconds of inactivity.
Privacy Settings and Admin/Access Definitions
There are four levels of privacy that you, as the Owner, can apply to different parts of the house, like the Doors, Windows, and Lights. As the Owner, you always have full control over every part of the house and final control over the Admin and Access lists.
– Public setting means that anyone can use the feature set to Public, such as doors, windows, lights, etc. They cannot use the Home Control object at all. If the Doors are set to Public but no other part of the house is set to Public, then only the Doors will be able to be used by any person.
– Restricted setting means that anyone on the Admin and Access lists, plus members of the Group if the Group setting is turned on, can use the feature set to Restricted. Setting your Doors to Restricted will allow Admins, Access list members, and Group members (if Group is turned on) to use the Doors, but they will remain locked for anyone not in one of these lists. Restricted is a good medium security setting for everyday use.
– Private setting means that ONLY Admins and the Owner can use the feature set to Private. Setting your Doors to Private means that only people listed as Admins, plus yourself, will be able to use the doors – anyone else will not be able to use them, even Access list members or Group members if Group is turned on. Private is a strong security setting for when you temporarily want an extra level of privacy, but don’t want to remove people from your Access list.
– Admins are people that you want to have a lot of control over your home. Admins can set privacy levels for features like doors, windows and lights, can add and remove Access list members, and can set the home features to Public or Group access. Admins can NOT add or remove other Admins! Only the Owner (you) can add and remove Admins. When your home features are set to Private, Admins are the only other people besides the Owner that will be able to use those features. Admins are husbands, wives, family members, partners, or anyone else that you want to have unrestricted access to your home at all times, and whom you trust to moderate your Access list.
– Access list members are friends or visitors; people that are welcome to visit, but to whom you don’t want to give a high level of control over your home. When your home features are set to Restricted, Access list members will be able to use these features; however, if your home features are set to Private, they will NOT be able to use these features. Access list members cannot add or remove other Access list members or set any privacy levels in your home.
– Group setting will allow anyone in the Group that your home is set to (usually a land management group, if you’re renting land from a landlord) to access all the features of your home, like the Doors, Windows, Lights, etc. This essentially pushes the job of maintaining an Access list off to the SL groups feature. The Group setting is a toggle on/off feature and can be set in addition to having individual names on the Access list.
Use Case Example: You want only members of your land group to access the windows, lights, and doors, and do not want strangers to be able to touch the windows or lights individually. In this situation, you would set the Privacy setting to Restricted (which only allows the Admin and Access lists to use the windows, lights, and doors ), and turn the Group setting to On (which makes the Group membership list the de facto Access list).
Access to the Home Control Center menu itself requires individual names being added to the Home Control Center using the method below.
Adding and Removing Admins/Access Names
IMPORTANT: The script requires a first and last name when adding users. Single account names (which don’t have a last name assigned) need to be added to the Home Control Center with the last name Resident to fulfill this requirement. For example, if you want to add the account name JaneDoe, you would add them as “JaneDoe Resident” (without the quotes).
Adding and removing names to the Admin and Access lists is easy! Just remember: only the Owner can add and remove Admins, and only the Owner and Admins can add and remove Access names.
The procedure for adding and removing names is the same for both categories. For this example we’ll use the Edit Admins option. Let’s start by adding an Admin:
1. From the Main Menu, choose Edit Admins.
2. Click the (+) Admin button.
3. A text dialog box will appear – type the full name into the text box. Capitalization doesn’t matter, but the name does have to be the full name, like Cory Edo or Janice Resident. When done, hit the Submit button.
4. The Admin Submenu will appear and will show you your new Admin in the Admin List Names section.
Removing an admin is even easier:
1. From the Main Menu, choose Edit Admins.
2. Click the (-) Admin button.
3. Review the numbered list of Admin names, then click the numbered button corresponding to the name of the Admin you want to remove.
4. The Admin Submenu will appear and the name you removed should no longer appear in the list.
****Please note: new homes will show Cory Edo (manager/creator of Trompe Loeil) as an Admin as a default setting. This is only to make troubleshooting and customer service problems easier to solve! If you are comfortable with the menu system you are perfectly welcome to remove Cory Edo from your Admin list using the normal removal procedure outlined above.
Door Submenu (consoleModule script number 0.75 only)
From the Door Submenu, you can set the doors access to Public, Restricted or Private, and also use the following features:
– Autoclose On/Off will toggle on and off the automatic closing of doors when they’ve been opened. Doors will close after 10 seconds unless Autoclose is turned Off using this feature.
– All Open/All Close will open and close all doors in the house at once.
Simply touch an individual door to open or close it.
Door Submenu (consoleModule script number 1.00 and higher)
From the Door Submenu, you can set the doors access to Public, Restricted or Private, and also use the following features:
– Door Scan and Door Click allow you to set if the doors will open automatically when approached (Door Scan), or if they need to be clicked to open (Door Click).
— Door Scan Submenu: Turn the automatic door opening function On or Off (Off will set the behavior to Door Click). Set Time and Set Range allow you to determine the amount of time the door stays open before it closes automatically, and the scanning range of the script in meters – the larger the number, the further away someone will trigger the door to open. Please keep in mind scanning scripts can be intensive on region script resources, and keep your scanning range low.
— Door Click Submenu: Here, the On and Off buttons refer to if the clicked door will automatically close, or stay open until it is clicked again. Choose “On” if you want your clicked door to automatically close on its own, choose “Off” if you want a clicked door to stay open until it is clicked again. Set Time will allow you to set how long the clicked door stays open before it automatically closes.
– All Open/All Close will open and close all doors in the house at once.
The default behavior for doors is click-to-open. You can change this to automatic open (scanning doors) using the instructions above, in upgraded/new *home control system modules.
Quick Reference: to make sure doors stay open until you click them again, go to Doors > Door Click > Off.
Window Submenu
From the Window Submenu, you can set the window access to Public, Restricted or Private, and also use the following features:
– All Open sets all windows in the home to the open setting (see-through from both inside and out)
– Blocked sets all windows in the home to the blocked setting (see-through from inside looking out, but blocked when outside looking in)
– All Close sets all windows in the home to the Close setting (blocked from both outside and inside)
Most individual windows will cycle through these settings on touch from a permitted individual if you wish to only have the windows in a bedroom closed, for example.
Lights Submenu
From the Lights Submenu, you can set the light access to Public, Restricted or Private, and also use the following features:
– All Off turns off all lights.
– All Low turns all lights to the Low setting.
– All High turns all lights to the High setting.
Most individual lights will cycle through these settings on touch from a permitted individual if you wish to only have specific lights turned on at a time.
We hope you enjoy this new home control system, and we’re working hard to bring you even more features and more intuitive controls in future prefab homes. As always, if you have any questions please contact Cory Edo inworld, and we’ll be happy to help!